Tested in Labs: aquaBENOVA passes all tests

aquaBENOVA certified – the most important results, determined by state of the art technical standards by the Institute of Biotech Research and Development IBFE GmbH.
- clostridium
- E.coli
- salmonella
- enterococci
- pseudomonads
According to the drinking water ordinance of 2001 aquaBENOVA’s effectiveness
has been certified against:
- legionella
According to the IBFE aquaBENOVA-CLEAN has outstanding effectiveness against:
More details:
The production process of aquaBENOVA-CLEAN is accredited according to the DVGW code of practice W229. The fluid itself meets the standards in accordance with DIN EN 901 table 1 §11 TVO (drinking water ordinance). Everything is in compliance with relevant environmental regulatory requirements. With opened canister
aquaBENOVA-CLEAN soon leaves no other detectable traces other than water and residual salt; there is no harmful residue. aquaBENOVA-CLEAN is not classified as dangerous goods. The biocide directive 98/6/EG stipulates as legal requirement for the marketing of biocide products that a substance that is solely used as a biocidal agent does not need to be registered under REACH as long as it is listed in annex 1 of Directive 98/6/EG.